Click OK to convert the XYZ data into a matrix. Expand the Gridding Settings branch, select Random (Thin Plate Spline) from the Gridding Method and Parameters drop-down list, and set both the Columns and Rows to 30.

Select column C from the left panel and click on the Add Plot button to add the 3D scatter plot to the graph.In this dialog, click on the button and select 3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector from the fly-out menu. Right click the layer icon on the left-top of the graph to open the Layer Contents dialog.Select Plot > 3D : 3D ColorMap Surface to create a 3D Colormap Surface plot (Graph1 by default).Highlight column C and click Z button from the mini toolbar that appears.Select Data: Connect to File: Text/CSV to import the file \Samples\Matrix Conversion and Gridding\XYZ Random Gaussian.dat with default settings.Use the Plot Details dialog to customize a graph.Use the Layer Contents dialog to add/remove a data plot.Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 9.0 SR1 What you will learn In Origin, Contour plots and 3D plots, such as Color Map Surface plots, can be created directly from XYZ data.īut, if you want to plot a smoother 3D surface, you are strongly advised to use one of Origin's built-in gridding routines to convert the XYZ data into a matrix. Speed Mode – How does it affect my graph and its exported image?.Convert Worksheet to Matrix to Plot 3D Surface.Adding, Grouping and Reordering Plots with Layer Contents.